
Luxury caviar from russian sturgeon

Baerii Caviar from Lyksvad - An exclusive product, hand-reared and processed for the highest quality and freshness.




30g, 50g

  • More information

    In the picturesque landscapes of Denmark, where tradition is deeply rooted, Lyksvad rises as a family jewel that has ascended from a modest farm to Denmark's only caviar producer. Under the loving leadership of brothers Jakob and Kristian Larsen, Lyksvad Caviar becomes a symbol of quality and craftsmanship.

    Our commitment to quality and freshness extends from the rearing of the fish to the processing of the precious caviar. For over 25 years, we have been passionately breeding eels and sturgeons in our carefully maintained indoor tanks. The water surrounding the fish is carefully extracted from the underground, purified, and reused, while excess wastewater is used as natural fertilizer on the fields.

    In our indoor breeding facility, we have full control over the living conditions of the fish, water quality, and feed. This eliminates the risk of environmental pollution and unwanted escape of fish into natural waters. With our own slaughterhouse and packaging center, we can ensure that every step of the production process meets strict quality standards.

    With Lyksvad caviar, you're not only getting an exquisite product, but also a piece of Danish history and tradition. Caviar, or sturgeon roe, has always been a symbol of luxury and elegance, surrounded by mysteries and legends.

    Our Oscietra caviar, obtained from the roe of the Russian sturgeon, is a true jewel of Nordic cuisine. With a rich palette of color variations and an intense, nutty flavor, Oscietra caviar is considered one of the finest caviar varieties in the world. Our Danish Oscietra caviar is guaranteed fresh and free from additives, lightly salted and refined with the finest Danish southern salt from Læsø. Welcome to the world of Lyksvad caviar - a world where luxury and authenticity go hand in hand.